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Trademark Packages
Need to register your Trademark? Book a FREE 30 min strategy call to find out which package is for you.
What is a Trademark and why do I need this?
Trademarks hold significant importance in safeguarding your brand’s name, logo, slogan, sounds, colors, packaging, course name, and more. They possess immense value and influence, particularly in the digital realm, allowing for the prevention of infringement on websites and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. Read more about trademarks on our blog post: What is a Trademark
What are classes? How many classes can you file a Trademark under and how much is it for additional classes?
The trademark office issues registrations based on different goods and services. In order to be protected with everything your brand offers, you will want to file in every class you’re eligible for. After the search is conducted, we will notify you of how many classes you are eligible for. At that time, you will be able to let us know how many of those classes you would like to file. There are 45 classes you can file a trademark under to protect it. It costs €300 to add additional classes for a EU application and €500 for an US application. Packages
How soon will my application be filed?
Preparing a trademark application takes time. It can take as many as 2 weeks to file your application. However, we strive to get all applications filed within 1 week after the search is completed.
How long does the search take and what if I have already conducted my own search?
The search time will vary according to workload. However, 99% of searches take less than 2-3 days. All new applicants must go through our search process. Trademark infringement doesn’t just occur when two names are the same. It occurs when two names are similar enough to cause “likelihood of confusion.” Our search will look for similar names that you do not know how to search for.
How long will it take for my application to be approved and registered?
There are no guarantees your application will be approved. The search provides the level of risk we will be facing, but even low risk applications see denials. For an EU application it can take anywhere from 4 to 6 months and an US application 7 to 9 without any issues or even longer if issues arise during the process. It is a lengthy process, but you have a level of protection the moment your trademark application is on file with the trademark office.
How long does a trademark registration last?
The registered trademark can last indefinitely if the owner continues to use the mark o or in connection with the goods and services listed in registration, provided that the owner timely files all necessary maintenance documentation. Maintenance documents are required to be filed, and fee paid, before the end of the sixth year in the US, and before the end of the subsequent ten-year intervals, following registration.
What is an Office Action and how much does it cost?
An office action is an official letter sent by the Trademark and Patent office in it, an examining attorney lists any legal problems with your trademark, as well as with the application itself. All legal problems in the office action must be resolved before the trademark can be registered. Price depends on the type of office action we need to respond to: Technical OA EUR 200 or Substantive OA EUR 990.
What is an opposition and how much does it cost?
An opposition occurs when another mark believes registration of your mark will damage their mark. The cost of these proceedings for both our US applications and EU applications are EUR 990.
How do I know I am at risk of trademark infringement?
The trademark clearance search will provide the level of risk we will face during the application process. If the search reveals that your application will be high-risk, we will provide you with a complimentary second search to help you find something that can be protected with a trademark.
What is a Trademark management fee?
Trademarks are something you need to maintain continuity and renew every 10 years. Trademark management fee is for when Sayadi Law is the registered representative for a company´s trademark rights, we are responsible for getting the correspondence sent from authorities or other holders regarding the company´s trademarks as well as we keep track of renewal dates and other important deadlines. This includes up to management of 4 trademarks and it also includes a dedicated IP trademark strategist who you can contact for free via email, phone, or physical meetings at any time for consultations.
I need to register my trademark in other countries, can you help me with that?
We sure can, we help clients from all over the world to register and protect their trademarks globally. If you need information regarding our other trademark packages please send us an email to hello@sayadilaw.com and we will help you further. We operate on a fixed price model so all our packages, no matter country, are like the ones on this site.
What does money back guarantee mean and how much will I get back?*
We offer our customers 100 % of their money back on their consultation fee they have paid in case a trademark is not successfully registered after office action and opposition responding’s. IMPORTANT: Money back guarantee does not account for the government filing fees and it’s doesn’t include if the Trademark clearance search comes back as moderate to high-risk application.